Sunday, 2 February 2014

If (1968) - Film Response

I thought that If was a very interesting film to watch, despite not understanding a lot of it. It emphasises the social constraints that people of the time still faced, despite the idea of 'Swinging Britain' through the rules and punishments the school has.
In terms of the surrealism, I wasn't sure what was going on, although I'm sure it had a lot of meaning. I think that one of the surreal scenes was based around dreams and maybe how the 60's were full of these huge dreams and ambitions, none of which would become reality. The scene where the two boys steal the motorbike could be a reference to the people of the time wanting to break free and escape, rebelling from the rules and constraints.

Out of the four 60's films, I enjoyed If the most. The characters and issues pulled me in a lot more than the ones in the three other films. For want of a better word, I'd say the other films felt a bit bland to me. If was generally a little more upbeat and exciting and I think that's why it interested me a lot more than the other films.

The ending, of course, was quite shocking. I had been warned, very vaguely, about it, but I wasn't expecting anything quite like a mass shooting.
In all honesty, it's taking me quite a long time to find the words for this film response as the film was so surreal and shocking in places.

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